Twitter really should adopt the stacker news standard and integrate the Lightning Network into its platform. Only today I posted a tweet and made a comparison between WEF Klaus Schwab and Karl Marx just to trigger a hundred of commie bots or maybe real human beings but very very dumbed down ones to flood my account with their bs and insults of the most primitive order. This would be impossible here. Twitter really seems to be broken!
I hope that Bluesky / AT Protocol gets ready soon, and Twitter in the best case adopts it aka becoming just a client in the future. Thus we could just build our own client which uses LN on the frontend to "hide/filter" content etc.
People come to these platforms to have a certain experience and get rid of opinions they don't like or generally content they don't like. That becomes a problem when your government is using it for communication though. I still think social media companies can be highly moderated curated platforms, but communications from news outlets and government agencies definitely need to be taking place on a federated network. Places where you are going to see opinions you don't like and consume content you don't care for because if you don't you don't get the chance to participate in the democratic process.
Imagine having a civilized form of discussion even with the exact opposite of Yours... but its impossible. Especially in Germany where the masses believe in state-led collectivism.
Interesting observation by the way: what the commie bots hated most was my btc in my profile... very very telling how propaganda works.