Working on building the thing we need most right now: Bitcoin education in local communities. Me and some friends are trying to start a Bitcoin club at a local high school. We haven't yet decided how to structure each meeting, so that's the wip level its at.
One idea I'd like to bounce off you guys is chosing a club member, either randomly or by vote, to present on and lead a discussion about something Bitcoin related they chose to research the previous week. The idea is that this would help lead people more naturally down the rabbit hole.
Once enough people join we may get to work on persuading some local businesses to accept bitcoin, but we'll see what happens. I'm excited to see what can be done with it though.
here is my material you can download and educate your local communities
Thank you so much, that's a pretty awesome slideshow. I might adapt it a bit, but that should be very useful, thank you.
love the initiative, clubs are def the way to go!
couple of things to remember when starting local building:
  1. have your core members and double down on them always
  2. have fun always first!
  3. lead by example