I know many people who were transformed (for the better) by him. I'd caution against throwing out the good he's done because of some of the bad.
People aren't perfect, including our heroes. If you feel a need to polarize yourself for or against someone for merely being fallible, you'll quickly wind up alone like most people on this Earth. Be forgiving, don't forget, and act accordingly.
That said, I've also found JBP less enjoyable to listen to since he became famous. It could be because he's become repetitive or because some of it's gone to his head. I don't know what exactly, but I don't dismiss everything he says or stands for as a result.
There are far worse people to look up to.
He's getting old. Combine that with substance abuse issues, likely constant feelings of persecution, dealing with personal attacks, culture wars, and the public pressure to be an intellectual it's not surprising to see his personality get a big wonky and less focused as he gets older. Old people love to ramble.
The benzodiazepine use as far as I understand was prescribed to him and he had a terrible reaction to trying to get off of it. At least what I remember hearing him say, it was hell on earth dealing with both using it and the withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from benzos can literally kill you. Source
Benzos are habit-forming drugs. They are not intended for long-term use and, in as little as 3-5 weeks, can create physical dependence – even if taken only as prescribed. Physical dependence means that a person has started to build a tolerance for benzodiazepines and will need to continue increasing their dosage to get the same effects. They may experience withdrawal when they stop taking the drug or reduce their dosage.
Yeah, people are fragile. I never prescribe that shit. I bet it's hard to say no when you have a VIP patient like JP though.
well said
Just tried watching a recent video. There's an ad read every 10 minutes. Crazy.