My Embassy Pro synced bitcoin core overnight, much faster than I anticipated! What a difference upgrading from 75Mbs to 800Mbps. Reminds me of when I lived in California over ten years ago and had fiber to the home with gig speeds. And this is over coaxial cable in my 55+ year old condominium unit. Having experienced such hobbled internet for a decade, I find myself surprised and at a loss with what to do with it. Oh well.
Other than prepping for Saturday Night LIT podcast (8:30pm ET), I will continue my exploration of Ubuntu, trying to learn more about the command prompt. And also finish out another video in Pleb Dev Course I. Hope everyone has a good day. I'm still sick at home. Going to do the podcast remote for the first time, which may spell the last time we ever did it in person, as remotely will certainly be more convenient in many ways
by command prompt I meant terminal.