Amazing article and I really hope this is the future of the web. My guess is we’ll move that direction but ads will still play a big (though reduced) role in the internet economy.
-Users will have the ability to earn small amounts of money from the ads they view (like Slice). If ads don’t pay, they’ll get blocked.
-Users will have control over their own “advertising ID” which can increase their earning potential if they choose to share it with advertisers.
-Publishers will start to implement true micropaywalls for their content.
-Solutions like Mash will help users to set budgets per website in order to make micropayments seamless and not need to decide to pay for every single article / piece of content they want to view.
End of the day, everyone should come out ahead of where we are today…
-Publishers may lose a percentage of ad revenue (due to users taking a cut), but they will get new revenue from micropayments in order to make it back. (Also, publishers are already about to lose a ton of money from the impending death of third party cookies so I really think they will need new monetization strategies that don’t rely on privacy-unfriendly “ID” companies relying on hashed emails). Micropayments offer that alternative.
-Users will get more control over their advertising experience and be able to earn some money to pay the small amounts needed to view the content they wish to view.
-Advertisers will get an opt in, privacy safe way to show users relevant ads.
I think the switch will be gradual, yes. Podcasting 2.0 is leading the way. Granted, the first shows that are purely listener-funded via V4V will be niche purists like Citadel Dispatch and similar, but that's always how these things start.