The current link to the full markdown guide is bit cumbersome. I bet tiny inline sheet that expands with top 5 or so markdown features would probably solve 90% of difficulty.
My guess would be (from my own use):
  • inline image (i always forget [] vs ())
  • link to URLs
  • basic styles (bold, italic, code)
  • others...
I wonder about a small sat-tax on things like emojis are large headers etc that can be excessively attention grabbing / noisy...
That'd be a solve for many users. The ideal option is probably a WYSIWYG with markdown support and the ability to upload images directly to SN (for a fee). Facebook just released a new FOSS editor I'm considering using:
re: noise. I agree. Lots to figure out wrt to that. Thankful for sats to solve it though.
99 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 21 Dec 2022
inline image (i always forget [] vs ())
this so much
I bet tiny inline sheet that expands with top 5 or so markdown features would probably solve 90% of difficulty.
Yes, I also think so
lol everytime i think to do the opposite of my instinct to use [] vs () and I get it wrong 100% of the time!!!