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The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
The latest data I got from @CoinGateCom, which is also the 4th largest #LightningNetwork node:
  • #Bitcoin payments via #CoinGate increased 42% this year;
  • BTC's share of total payments slipped almost 8 pps, as #USDTether payments skyrocketed; 1/3

There is an article in the Twitter thread, but it is in Lithuanian:
Bitkoino ir kripto skeptikams "CoinGate" atsako dviženkliu augimu ir pasauliniais plėtros planais (per Google Translate: CoinGate responds to Bitcoin and crypto skeptics with double-digit growth and global expansion plans) https://dessenter.ghost.io/bitkoinas-kripto-coingate-augimas-pletra/