Messari is a shitcoin company. They thrive on issuing financial reports about every shitcoin under the sun. They are also frequently wrong because trading and TA is basically just astrology with candlesticks. Just last year said they were incredibly bullish on DAOs. This was said just after the whole defi 2.0 fiasco nobody remembers anymore because shitcoiners have the memory of goldfish, and is even sillier now considering basically all DAOs turned out to be scams, rug pulls or outright dysfunctional. Do not subscribe to Messari, do not support shitcoin casinos or their financiers.
defi 2.0 fiasco? all DAOs turned out to be scams?
Maybe I have the memory of a goldfish but I can't figure out what you're referring to.
Also there's no TA in the report at all.
I would refer you to refresh your memory then, good sir or madam. In the spirit of cooperation to jog your memory, I will simply mention the words Olympus DAO, Tomb finance and whatever the hell that Quadriga scammer project was involved with on Avalanche. I feel filthy even acknowledging my shitcoin knowledge, but it is what it is.
Messari does TA. They are a financial firm which specializes in shitcoin trading, and they were also very very wrong in their last report. They are cancer for bitcoin, not the cure.
Oh, ok. 2-3 DAOs out of 800+ is really nothing. The Messari report actually contains more condemning information on DAOs in general such as bribes (to vote in a particular way).
I don't care if Messari does TA, I don't read the rest of Messari, I only read Selkis.
love the "astrology with candlesticks" bit :)
"Astrology with Candlesticks"
Great name for a new substack