Intro video from Sun is here.
So… its a shamir secret sharing UI that costs $150?
Is there an About page or something?
Is this using some website for keys (which seems like a bad idea)? Starting from no knowledge of this I read the website but it tells me nothing. And I'm not watching some video to figure it out.
I guess the best is to check out the video. It's not website - it's app you download and then do the things offline.
This looks super easy to use!
I don't know how I feel about it without it being open sourced, though 👀
Looks really interesting UI/UX wise. But do not like the fact that it's not FOSS and on top it seems not to be a great idea for the average user to put the backup data from a hardware wallet into a laptop/computer. Would be great if the software could run at least on a air gapped Raspberry pi.
UX seems pretty exceptional relative to a lot of the other shamir setups I've seen.