Of course, the best way to stack sats is by earning them, and the number one way to do that for me is Stacker News, of course.
One of the best and probably the weirdest (in a very good way) place I've enjoyed stacking sats while learning a lot about many different topics is LNtip.me.
For a while, I also did some small tasks for other people at Microlancer. Specially satisfying and fun was writing "Buy Bitcoin" on a number of bank notes and then releasing them, sponsored by @fiatjaf.
Reading articles through Carrot is another way to stack some sats while learning new things about Bitcoin that I do regularly.
Although doing product reviews is not something I really enjoy, I've dome a couple of them at Apollo as well.
And, of course, buying them without KYC from other people via lnp2pbot in Telegram. I can't wait for Mostro, from the same author, to be available on Nostr.
Thanks for sharing your methods so generously!
No, thank you for starting the discussion.