I don't really get what's the point of your keeping your sats for a while on a "buffer" wallet and then sending them to cold storage, won't they still be perfectly traceable on the blockchain?
I believe that if you're planning to keep your sats as such and never try to buy fiat with them through a centralised exchange, you should be all right with coins coming from a coinjoin. I haven't done any myself yet, though, since I don't have any KYC tainted coins.
I'm also really excited about the perspective of MWEB coming to BTC, which will probably happen, after being successfully activated this year on LTC, since it's a magnificent step towards privacy.
I agree it's silly of me and is still highly traceable. I just wanted to try and keep the utxo that were a hop or two out from the ones directly from the exchange had a slightly more plausible deniablity thing going. But I do agree it really does nothing.
And I don't have intentions to trade anymore. 2020 was my year to make those mistakes while I figured out what really matters in the space. I'm still trying to set up my own node and eventually hook my cold storage up to it as even now I'm sure just being connected to someone else's node would void the potential security measures I would hope to achieve through coinjoin so. I'm not in a terrible rush.
I appreciate the feedback, I'll have to look more into this MWEB thing. That's the issue with all this is the endless avenues of information.