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Valid points from Pippellia's. Nostr is still in its infancy and so is the network of relays and clients.
Lots of work to be done in several aspects on both the backends and frontends: security, privacy, UX, scalability, performance, media storage (might even stay out of the protocol forever, who knows), resiliency, fault tolerance.
But I think it's a pretty damn good start, and the rate of new collaborators vs new users is keeping things afloat.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Nostr protocol is not trying to be perfect from the beginning, but to evolve through collaboration, consensus and more importantly usage and demand. Nostr is out in the wild, learning from its mistakes and becoming better and what people really need and want.
This is in stark contrast with the other options out there trying to become next big thing but with a laundry list so large we won't see any viable product in a long time.