I'm looking at WoS disclosure statement trying to figure out how they are charging you 8000 sats.
By my math you would have to deposit 2.5m sats to reach that with the 0.3% fee. That's assuming you are funding the wallet with an on-chain transaction. If you are sending to the wallet via lightning it should be much much lower. They do not appear to have any surcharge for LN transactions, so fees should be very low unless you are sending huge amounts.
There's also a 4.9% tax for funding with AUD. Are they acting as a fiat on-ramp here? That was entirely unexpected.
Honestly I'm finding the short length of this disclosure statement very disturbing. There is no mention of any responsibility to users for being the custodian of their funds. If they decided to shut down and walk away with everyone's funds I'm not sure there would be any legal recourse. Not that I think they would do that, but I thought we were trying to minimize the requirement of trust in financial transactions with Bitcoin, and this seems to be entirely trust based.
I always felt like Muun was a bad option because the way they handle LN transactions I feel defeats the purpose of LN. However right now I'm thinking it looks like a great option if you want to do LN and don't have your own node. I never used LN before I got my own node, so I never really looked into this stuff much.
I didn’t even know I could get my own node until I found Stacker News a week ago! Will do that in due time. I’m trying to absorb all the goodness of Stacker News first - information, leads, projects etc. thanks mate