they want to change the parameters of the protocol and continue coin emission in an attempt to protect their degen position
The degen position is the one that maximizes “number go up” at the expense of the security and fairness of the network.
Now which position is really “degen” here?
scarcity does not create value in itself and niether does creating coins to pay for security. Its the commodity like features that gives value, and you are compromising those with tail emissions hardforks.
delay the halving schedule by single cycle - only if the network security after long 4 years is still degraded (instead of killing it more) if no need to rescue the network security in such situation - I don't know when
The degen position is the one that maximizes “number go up” at the expense of the security
1k sat, because your comment is perfect :)
Let me add yet:
  • simple solution (easy to understand for Average Joe)
  • no hardcoded value of tail emission (only the circumstances define it)
  • as long as income from transactions compensate cut-off of block subsidy - nothing is changed
  • the network may grow by tiny single ASIC miner every 4 years - and nothing is changed as well
Just the network security oriented and only a safety measure.