Nobody will stop you from creating this pseudobitcoin. It will be one of many.
If 90% sooner or later will understand it finally: reduced mining + reduced transactions = network security in spiral of death
it will be still real Bitcoin (but fixed on time, fortunately)
If you are right, put your money where your mouth is, and the market will tell with substantial net gains for you.
If not you will end up with just another fork.
Either way there is no point in the discussion IMO, just build or support what you think is good and the rest will come on its own
Gresham's law is non-negotiable.
Gresham’s law doesn’t apply to bitcoin as it doesn’t have a face value.
"GrEsHaM's LaW dOeSN't AppLy t0 biTCoIN."
even worse: you know that Bitcoin is good money, but you also predict it will be even better with time