In 1978 1 USD was equal to 7 Iranian toman, and just now 1 USD is now 42,000 toman. With heavy censorship of the internet, are there ways to help bring bitcoin to the Iranian people? If someone could get a phone or computer with tor and a wallet like muun, could they use bitcoin layer 1 and lightning? Obviously there would still be the issue of obtaining the bitcoin in the first place. Could bisq work under certain circumstances?
Are there any efforts or group working on this? Or anything I could read more about it?
If you boot into Tails you'll have Tor and the Electrum wallet out of the box.
You can talk to Iranians in Session (, press "Join a Community" and you'll see the Iranian group. Their very presense means that Lokinet is not censored.
Do you know anything about how people can obtain bitcoin in Iran? I assume locally…
I heard that tether is being used to move funds out of the country when people leave and want to take their money with them.
Yeah, all the border checks to search for money are a joke. You can carry any amount of money in your head. Doesn't matter if it's bitcoin, tether or whatever.
I don't know, ask Iranians. Generic answers would be ATMs (coinatmradar), robosats, agoradesk. There should be a lot of miners in Iran due to low electricity prices, they should be selling. If everything else fails, in Turkey or Georgia finding bitcoin is easier.
I appreciate this a lot, haven’t heard of Tails or Session before, thanks!
Not simple answers hear but this is a good place to start:
Wow that is a fantastic resource, thank you!
там давно ходит биткоин! просто это очень сильно скрывается.. имхо... просто зайди на сайт торговли в этой стране...