It was the gateway I needed to get started.
I learned it’s not very good for either super secure cold storage (you rely on the Umbrel devs for Core updates, so that’s a risk - although unlikely) and nor is it very good for running a public routing node, as backups and reliability can be a bit tricky on the Pi.
Now I run the Umbrel node pruned with LND to maintain two decent sized private channels for lightning spending and enjoy having an easy to run Jellyfin, Home Assistant and Nextcloud server. My tip would be not to get too carried away with all the dashboard apps - LNDg is probably all you need, even if the interface is a bit less slick.
Also Tailscale is the magic service that just makes it all work.
(For secure cold storage, these days I simply run Bitcoin Core with Sparrow on a normal laptop. Seedsigner handles all my keys air gapped.)