"Does anyone have info how many relays the average user is connected to and which those are? I worry that everyone just connects to the same top 10 relays."
The OP says on the article he's connecting to 67 at the moment, since he has the feeling that the more relays he connects to, the better it works. And you can have a pick to not only how many, but also which ones anybody's using. I've added only 18, for the moment, because I've been a little selective about which ones to chose. Not sure if that's of any relevance at all, but I haven't felt the need to add them any faster, and I know I'll keep adding new ones as I learn about them and like them for some reason.
I strongly doubt than everybody would just connect to the same top 10 relays, since most people will have the same feeling and will probably end up connecting to probably hundreds of them, although posting to only a fraction (maybe a few dozens) of them?
Still very excited, by the way. :-)
Yeah, I'll guess I just have to add more relays to my list.
Can't I just post to all of them?
because I've been a little selective about which ones to chose.
How did you decide which ones (not) to pick?
Can't I just post to all of them?
You can post to all of them you want, as long as they allow posting. As I've seen, some of them are "read only", which I assume they are mirroring other relays, although that might not be the case. I need to learn more about that matter.
How did you decide which ones (not) to pick?
I've basically added the ones I've seen that are run, used, or recommended by developers or people with a good knowledge of the whole thing. As I said, I don't know if that is even important at all, probably not, but I'm not posting such important information at the moment (I don't know if I'll ever do, haha), and we are just at the infancy of the protocol.