It's at least ten years the mainstream narrative has been pushing this FUD - sort of "Operation Mockingbird," but for Bitcoin. And I wouldn't be surprised if the narrative goes all the way down some form of McCarthyism, and whoever holds bitcoins become an enemy of the State.
Countless people I successfully orange-pilled sold on some news that Bitcoin is dead, and a large number of them bought shitcoins following the made-up narrative of "not wasting energy" or "differentiate."
But I have good news for you: they all came back. 2022 was the worst year ever for any form of financial wealth, and was the worst year ever in terms of trust in governments worldwide.
I have two movie quotes:
  1. "You have to understand; most people are not ready to be unplugged.”
  2. "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”
I am not unplugging people, I'm building emergency exits.