The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
The Future of Space Heaters - An ASIC Build - v1
We've had an absolute blast collecting data and building something from nothing.
We really hope this document can help a few people out on their journey to build their very own #Bitcoin Space Heater.
See also another post, found here on SN, where that link was shared:
These seem cool during the winter but what do you do with these the rest of the year? Seems would be difficult to justify the cost and the downtime.
A water heater seems more practical...
I am all up for DIY projects but why not just buy a Heatbit.
You can get an S9 for $100, this is for people who want to DIY and tinker without breaking the bank.
Heatbit is neat but many times the cost.
I just want to know more and earn as well... I am all up for sustainability and growth...
Love this, it’s awesome!