This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Thanks for running this site. This really is great.
I hope this catches, spreads, and becomes the norm for socials.
My determination to stack sats has led me to download Tweetoshi which allegedly pays me sats for using Twitter. Will use it for a week and report here if it’s a good enough app. My children should be happy their daddy is hustling so hard
We await your feedback
Wishing everyone a great 2023!
Good morning. I'm thinking I should plan out my year in Bitcoin a bit more in 2023. Expenses piling up, gotta trim somewhere.
Just keep stacking
I'm just thinking loud here, should people abandon other credible crypto solutions just because they are Bitcoin maximalist?
Not sure how to interpret your question, as a Bitcoin "maximalist" doesn't view other projects as credible by definition. : P
I'd say that if there was anything interesting or useful being built on other chains, that technology will eventually find itself on the Bitcoin stack.
You fool. There are no other credible crypto solutions. Learn some fundamentals, would ya? You look really stupid. FFS
😅 No need to go calling names. It was just a question. Your approach to it doesn't inspire confidence.
I was just describing your behavior, value choices, and understanding.
How have you managed not to learn the one fundamental lesson you need to not get scammed in this space?
You're making a horrific error by altcoins. Your ignorance is blinding you. Fix it for the good of everyone.
I really think your way and approach to educate someone is utterly disrespectful and would send them further away rather than enlighten the person.
Some people are referred into this platform based on the words of other's and just want to seek knowledge, if he is such which I doubt so, you've only ended up giving a negative perception to him.
There's no wrong question, but certainly, they can be a wrong response and you my friend, was not just wrong but went out of line to address him the way you did. It reflects poorly of you, as an ambassador and advocate of what BTC stands for.
Let's learn to show care and make efforts to support rather than criticize and throw insults... Do have a great day..
Good morning gang!!! Well it's Tuesday and the holidays are almost over, time to get back on the saddle and keep on keeping on, coffee is brewed and served, dose of caffeine on the way, hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday and be well, remember to stay frosty!!
Круто))) 2023 будет памятным годом)
I'm just finding it hard to be on vacation and as the season festivities end, I will rush to work. When you are in our space, you don't rest so when one comes, it feels like bait. I don't know if you guys get it.
Yesterday I took some time for myself to reflect on the past year and do a run down on my life in 2022. This included thinking about my accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement.
Today I found out my actions yesterday, has been really helpful in setting intentions for the new year, and I'm excited to share some of my goals for 2023 with you all as the year plays out..
Happy new year!