The price of Bitcoin is actually the best indicator of "where we are" in terms of adoption / hyperbitcoinization.
By saying it is not, you are discrediting the market. The market is the truth. Although we stackers may not agree with it, it is undeniably the unbiased truth.
Future price increases are only due to how wrong the current market is about bitcoin. i.e., the aggregate investor lacks information, or interpretations of information, that we stackers do posses. And this in turn reflects the point I am making; the current price tells us what the broader public thinks about bitcoin.
Dude, seriously, can you please explain to me and to everybody here how you go from reading this:
"price of Bitcoin is subject to fluctuations and is not a reliable indicator of its value or potential",
to understand this:
"Bitcoin is *not the best indicator of "where we are" in terms of adoption / hyperbitcoinization."
2 completely different points on the price of Bitcoin! Do you see it now? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø