I struggled to connect Bisq to my node. Also, I found this BSQ token and the DAO a bit weird.
Then I tried Robosats and it immediately made sense to me and I could finish a trade.
I've also tried using Bisq a few times (perhaps 15 or 20) during the last few years (maybe 4 or 5), and I never succeeded. I liked its interface a few times that it worked, but I never went too far for one reason or another.
I failed on my first try with Robosats, but on my second try I successfully bought some sats, too.
Also, I'm kind of falling in love with those freaking robots...
Yeah Robosats seems great too, except even less liquidity than Bisq, at least in CAD. Hopefully more users keep onboarding to both platforms so they become better.
I hope so, too. I'm doing small purchases for the moment, anyway, so the liquidity isn't that low for me. Let's see what happens when/if I move to buying larger amounts...
I was about to take my own order by mistake, since all the settings keep reverting to the defaults all the time, haha. I wish they would stay as you set them until you changed them instead of going back to the default as soon as you move out of the order book and go back.
Also, using a new robot for each new trade is a top notch feature for privacy. And you get to meet and love a new bot (yours) every time. 😂