Can someone explain to me what happened to Taleb? He used to support Bitcoin big time and then changed his tune one day?
Saifedean was trying to convince him that his stance on COVID was idiotic in private DMs. Nassim kept advocating for lockdowns, vaccines and all kinds of stuff that proved to be completely idiotic and basically couldn't take the L. So he blocked Saifedean and went on to speak at a BSV conference of all places and started railing against BTC.
Since then, he's been exposed as a financial fraud as he's apparently lost a ton of money on his fund. But basically, COVID is what happened and he's been wrong on all of it.
Hey thanks for the explanation. I read Skin in the Game and found it interesting but his written style is difficult and ‘intense’, like he is on edge.
Jimmy summarised it nicely, but if you were still curious then I believe Saifedean talks about the whole affair in this episode of his podcast:
Although Taleb once supported Bitcoin, I don't think he's ever had more than a surface level understanding of it.
It's the swings they will get to anyone eventually
Price swings?