Rant started from argue about If nostr has place / opportunity to minoritize BigTech and could not we run nostr relays on our Umber nodes.
TL:Dr - Umbrel May have relay on their node appstore but your SSD/disk Will Be full If you install it. Greetz to Umbrel - please do not take any relays onto your App marketplace, please!
Long version:
Yes it has no doubt(place on ecosystem co-operation with LN/BTC). But Bitcoin Blockchain too 12 YEARS to get to from 0MB to 500GB's. What / how you estimate your nostr on Umbrel disk need for future? Lemme ques - one Day your disk is full and your LN and btc nodes are down. Then what?
Lessons learned nostr is awesome messagin protocol (maybe), but its relays have no place on Bitcoin/LN nodes! Other hosts are way better!
I can agree with this, except Umbrel is not actually the Bitcoin node, Bitcoin core (an application that runs in the Umbrel Operating System) is the node. There are actually two nodes that run on Umbrel, a Bitcoin node and a lightning node. The Lightning node needs the Bitcoin node, but the Lightning node in the case of Umbrel is actually LND.
Also....If you buy a 4tb HDD (I happen to have one in my set up) as a secondary drive, you can run both things on the same computer. The reason I agree however, is because its for the best if you use like a PfSense router to logically separate your lightning node (your money) and your other applications running for fun like Nost, but this is for security, not technical limitations.