Startr (Repo)

Startr is a utility for desktop that aims to be an assistant to help improve the UX of nostr by helping to securely store private keys and connect with your favorite clients. At the moment the project is functional, although there are many more features to be developed.


Compatibility: linux(tested in Debian, kali, raspbian), more coming

  1. Create a folder for the project, open a terminal and git clone this repo 'git clone'
  2. Download the latest release of nostr_console: nostr_console release page and put it in the project folder (remember make nostr_console file executable)
  3. Open a terminal 'cd <path/to/project_folder>' and do 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
  4. when finish, run startr_app with 'python' in the terminal
  5. Follow the steps, Startr will guide you to securely store or create your nostr identity


  1. Go to your project folder, open a terminal and 'git pull origin main'
  2. do 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install new dependencies if necessary
  3. Enjoy new features


  1. Open terminal and 'cd <path/to/project_folder>' then 'python3' (remember make nostr_console file executable)
  2. Follow the steps


  • Crate new or store private key
  • Store keys in a safe way
  • Connection and launch of nostr_console in a more secure way
  • Multi account/key option
  • Shows a direct link and qr code when show/decrypt keys to easy share


  • Improve Key Derivation scheme
  • Nostr console auto install
  • Multi configuration options (arguments/flags) for starting nostr_console
  • RSS reader
  • Make it compatible with more OS
  • Bundle application into a single package
  • More on the way
More docs in process
Looking for feedback :) (Repo)
Congrats on getting this out.
I personally prefer to generate a vanity pubkey using rana and store using the tried and true pass
As for integration, in the terminal I can just do nostr_console --prikey=$(pass nostr)
I have also used rana for my key🐸. good flow too, pass seems a good method too, however the program intends to live beyond linux and python development seemed more adaptive to me
Is this predominantly for cli based nostr clients, as we already have nos2x, Alby etc. for browsers?
indeed, that was the original idea and i'm planning to add more cli based clients, I would also like to add the functionalities proposed in the roadmap