what’s one bitcoin belief or concept you’ve changed your mind about recently?
I've started to realize that a really good UX around non-custodial mobile LN wallets is further away than many people think. I don't think its impossible, but it's a very challenging technical problem. That said, I'm glad some very smart people are working on it.
what are the biggest challenges that you see preventing a really good non-custodial UX?
  1. Mobile wallets can't sign while app is not in the foreground, although some people are working on this problem: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2023-January/003810.html
  2. Economics. A routing node will need to lock up some amount of capital to support inbound payments for every client if they don't want to do an on-chain tx for every receive. I'm not really sure if there are any elegant solutions to get around this. Perhaps something with multi-party channels at some point
Sadly, I have to agree with you.