NOSTER? NO es tee are? NOS tee are? NOST are?
I has confuse...
But I also heard them say /Noster/ which by brain gravitate toward since there is no A at the end. This seems more correct. Poll?
As if in English you'd need any letter to be in a word for people to make the corresponding sound or a sound to be in a word for people to spell the corresponding letter...
True, English 🤣 wild wild west
More like /nostrÉ™/, from what I can hear developers saying.
I don't like the nostra... I like nosterrrrr better aka Nostrrrrrrr. 🤣 am I alone with this?
Yeah, I'm leaning towards nosterrr too. But I'm not a native english speaker, so I dunno...
I don't like the idea of three consonants without any freaking vowel. I was so relieved when I heard @jb55 et al making the /ə/ sound at the end of the word... Probably for the first time in my live I was more than OK with that thing to even exist. 😂
Fine, i joined Nostr 7 days ago. Yall 4 weeks deep people winn 😄