Question: how can a relay, or any other Ad-serving-LN-paying counter-party be sure that I (the user) am not a bot, and not sybil-attacking you by emulating ad views to suck out all your sats?
I believe that all solutions here lead to surveillance, privacy violations, captcha verifications and other crap. Without that, it might work as a toy until people with a little resources find it attractive to attack you.
Is there a solution?
I certainly don’t currently have fool-proof answer, but I think it would be a combination of economic incentives (ad consumers who perform better are paid more, worse are paid less). Of course the subject of what does “perform” mean and how do we measure it is open for question.
When you start thinking it through, the only way forward is more and more tracking - 'performance', 'are you human', 'show me your passport', etc. There doesn't seem to be any other way.
Brave shows a notification, you click on notification and then the add is shown.
How does that solve a problem?
you could ask for a sign to show ads
Sign something with my key?
hmmm..., maybe with a special nostr-show-ads key, different to the usual nostr pk. or even the usual nostr pk. I suggest a signing as proof of humanity, and proof of watching the ad.