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Since this is my first post on here.
I would like to start with a simple question because it's always fascinating where people actually came from/ heard about Bitcoin.
Funny enough, in 2019 as my finals for my apprenticeship I hold a whole presentation on the story of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, I never engaged more in it let alone buy it... I just needed some content, at least Bitcoin saved me in that sense.
Curious about your encounter. Let me know :)
2012 at a local Libertarian Convention. Two people tried to orange pill me. Did it work? Nope. I thought it sounded like a nutty scam. Didn't jump in until January of 2018. My 5 year anniversary. Lots of regrets about what could have been.
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Good advice. Well said
The covid-crash. I had no idea what to do and remembered this weired thing outside the legacy banking system.
Used it to buy cannabis on Silk Road ... Wish I understood and hodled it instead 😂...
Friend of mine told us about silk road and we were going to western Union to send usd for some hacker money that I had no clue about. I remember seeing the weird numbers maybe 0.7 or 0.6 back in 2013. Thought- neato and dropped it all looking for our girl Molly. Brain came back on a few years after that and finally found her except her name was BTC all along 🚀
It was when the reprap movement started, anyone remember that? 3d print a 3d printer! yup, I was all into building my first 3d printer back then when a good l33t haxor friend introduced me to bitcoin. I can't remember what year it was?
anyways I didn't have time to look into Bitcoin back then. He sent me some, I remember trying it out. oh yeesh. Just remembered something else also. Ddosing Visa back then. It was down for atleast a day I believe.
crazy times then, crazy times now.
It took me atleast couple of more years before I saw Antonopolus in court somewhere in Canada? on youtube, defending Bitcoin and I was like holy crap shit this is the real deal. Then fired up my own node, soon after, lightning network started to come alive. I was like a Linux dev shifting to developing the lightning in C. Hell yea I'm in!!
I read a book by someone...cant rember his name in 2016...a nytimes journalist i think. i didnt buy then unfortunately but i really liked learning about it went through the whole history up to that point. Then i was reintroduced oct. 2021 by a social media influencer and unfortunately jumped in then...got into shitcoins too. O man things coulda been different if i just bought btc in 2016 😅 o well thats life i know the way now.
I read about bitcoin on the shroomery in 2010 when people where using it to buy drugs on silk road
My..... flower salesman... at the time hinted to look into it and start with Andreas Antonopoulous when I was ready. I bought a little. Withdrew it to Jaxx wallet. There it sat for a year and a half ish. Number went up. Managed to recover shitty Jaxx wallet. Sent to a new wallets. Sold half. Shitcoined. Spent the rest of the time buying back sold half. Kept shitcoins for a while during crash. Sold shitcoins at loss. Have some shitcoin dust. Kept buying Bitcoin. Lost it all in a boating pirate assault. Came to SN to stack what I can in poor man comments to make back solen pirate booty. All because my... flower salesman... said I should check it out.
The first time I heard about it I think was a forum post or a blog post or something, I don't even remember the specifics I just remember it being mentioned as a "digital currency" and I thought it was a game currency like WoW gold or something like that. Didn't have the context to understand its importance. Not long after that I heard more about it on a podcast I was listening too, the Cypherpunk'd podcast. What they were saying piqued my interest and I decided to look up more info about it, fell down the bitcoin wiki rabbit hole, emerged fully orange pilled.
A co worker talking about mining and me having literally no idea wtf he was talking about in 2012. Then 6 years later someone randomly talking about it at like 10pm when i was working alone at my schools Helpdesk. As a computer science major i actually knew more about what he was talking about so i looked it up.
Donkdown Radio, a poker podcast around 2010 or 2011. There was a point when Bryan Micon couldn't stop talking about Bitcoin, to the great annoyance of his co-hosts. Good times.
  1. Found references in the internet (was it 2012? 2013?)
  2. Read a lot about it during that year (even tried to run a node), never had a single sat.
  3. Did nothing for a few years (just followed the news). Eventually I came back for it.
I first heard about bitcoin in montreal circa 2008 and atms starting popping up
Bitcoin was first known publicly in October 2008: https://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2008-October/014810.html
World's first Bitcoin ATM was indeed in Canada, but in 2013:
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