Ignoring Bitcoin when it went live.
Talking about it with my wife, then ignoring it more.
Wife tries to buy some ~2010ish for an anniversary gift. Doesn’t go well. Ignore some more.
Start investing into standard long term fiat like adults are supposed to.
Ignore Bitcoin more.
Play around with stocks. Get pissed off with stock market.
Dabble with Bitcoin. Much easier to deal with. Nothing comes of it.
Shitcoins siren call catches me. Invest with into projects I thought were a good idea. They fail. Teams fail. Etc. Im disgruntled but not broke. Learn my shitcoin lesson and only buy ETH and BTC.
Slowly realize ETH was a shitcoin in disguise. Fucking transformers.
Hello BTC. Only buy/use BTC. Start a node. Start a lightning node.