I'm still forming my opinion, but search and discovery seem most attractive atm. I see a couple possible moats: 1) having access to the most data (by running the beefiest/most performant/best connected relays) or 2) having the best algorithm (I think social graph + ValueRank are both interesting primitives, but they'll likely be tinkered with and mashed up with PageRank and/or other data). Probably a lot of others I haven't thought of yet.
Another big winner could just be building the most popular consumer app that mashes up messaging/payments and then offering financial services on top. I think CashApp is well positioned there.
I'm personally excited about disrupting the music industry. I love (and make) music, so am eager to see a much better platform than Spotify.
And, again, the big winner will likely be some brand new, kinda weird use case!
Do you have any early thoughts on where value accrues?
Makes sense, I could definitely see some snowball effect forming in those areas making it hard for others to catch up.
Identity seems to be another area where a lot of value could accrue to a single company.
Synonym and Block seem to be going after a similar market with Slashtags and TBD, and I could see these protocols turning into winner-take-all markets… especially if these systems don’t interoperate.
It’s still unclear to me where money is going to be made, but being the winner that everyone uses to manage their internet identity seems to be the harder part of the equation.