BTW, it is not FUD to point out that CLN has more potential to have stack busting and memory leak vulnerabilities. This is the experience of 40 years of the use of the language in the industry.
They probably picked C because rust was garbage at the time, relatively speaking (especially Cargo), Java is also garbage - due to its excessive runtime complexity, C++ is garbage because of its overly complex syntax, and C#, python, ruby, LOL! And it wasn't Go, which I get the whole thing about how it's from Google.
But seriously, Go is hamstrung by Google, not compromised. One of the key developers of it was also one of the guys who made C in the first place.
It's my opinion it is just an unfortunate set of circumstances and criteria that essentially doom the CLN project to always be a 'hobby' LN server.
And on teh other side, the sponsors of lnd are some of the most shady "bitcoin" businesses out there - Silvergate, Tesla, amongst others.
So the situation is crap on both sides. I'm just trying to be realistic here, and the real thing is that both lnd and cln are less than desirable for many reasons, but lnd is the most secure. Thus, I choose lnd. And when I'm done building Indra I will fork lnd and we will finally have a fully open source, non-shady-funded dev team and I'm sure that it will come to be preferred once it is opened up and made more friendly to developers.
Right now, trying to contribute to lnd, or use it in applications, is a minefield of bullcrap. I am so talkative about it right now because it cost me literally 2 days of work hitting up against idiotic things in it, and I was forewarned already in my efforts to try and contribute to it.
Things will get better.
Another alternative option I might propose is to port CLN to Go. I have done a little bit of this in the past, but C's type system is not as strict as Go, and binary equivalence can be hard to achieve especially in math and encoding tasks. Refactoring lnd to be cleaner and more dev friendly will most likely be a more effective use of my time.
So I heard you thought ruby was laughable.
I'm here to make you cry XD
There's also a Go interpreter with REPL too haha! Go is a really good language for writing compilers and interpreters, one of Rob Pike's first big articles about Go was exactly on that subject. He was the one that championed coroutines and channels. Their absence is what I hate most about working with Rust. It was just so weird writing an RPC handler without coroutines to fan out the work.