This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Looks like the instance is down. Example, the following results in HTTP 502. had gone down a couple months ago, then came back. However, it doesn't seem to work consistently -- sometimes I see "Tweet not found". (But then subsequent attempt to reload that same link might render the Tweet properly).
The instances I sampled from the RoninDojoNode Tweet above seem to work, as does, e.g.:
However there was a reply comment to one of my posts saying Twitter is messing with the API to prevent Nitter:
Just heard nitter is going away. [...]
I think that would obliterate many apps that use the Twitter API, so I don't know that is an accurate claim. Maybe it is just Twitter worsening the rate-limits on certain usage patterns that spam bots follow, and Nitter instances have similar usage and thus also are affected? Who knows.
Anyway, centralized social media is the plague, yo!!! I'm as guilty as anyone though.
Hoping to see nostr and such send Twitter for a long dirt nap.
I wonder if one or more links on SN that are for Nitter tweets (using a specific Nitter instance) that end up ranking high on SN results in a slashdot effect for that specific Nitter instance.
@k00b Embarrasing... trying to tip Cameri on
Did it eventually work? Might be CORS issue
LN is ded. We should use monero 😂😂😂😂😂
indeed, now works.
I'm thinking of an LN question to query ChatGPT with?
Are we made by our history, or are we freed by our future...? You make the choice to be held back by challenges or be head on with crypto.... For me I'll keep staking up...
PS: I wont mind being stacked my biggest strike today
Is there a way to bring lnp2pbot and robosats into stacker news with a P2P market section and profiles could show people looking to provide orders?
Good morning peeps, well it's a chilly morning today in Playa, 15 degrees Celsius, strange weather, no clouds and the sun is shinning, today I will relax and enjoy some hot cocoa and French toast, anyways, I wish you all a fantastic and bountiful day!!! Be well gang and stay frosty.
Am I a bad person because I want lower prices to stay so I can stack more?
Just. Stack. Somehow. Ignore price. Inner peace.
I'm basically doing nothing today, laying in bed and I just wanted to be the first poster here. Hope no one beats me to it.