Ludovic Lars, @lugaxker on twitter, is one of the most talented bitcoin advocates in the francophone community. He's a gifted writer, and his articles have contributed to orange-pill many across the francophone world (especially in Africa, Canada, and of course, Europe), myself included.
Ludovic has also translated Eric Voskuil's book cryptoeconomics in French.
He is soliciting donations from the community for his new book project, «L'Élégance du Bitcoin».
I'm posting this here just to help the project, and as a modest contribution to help spread the bitcoin awareness in areas of the world where it's most needed.
Ludovic is not aware of this initiative and I don't think he is on SN, but I'll donate all the sats of this post to his project. Be generous and help spread the word 😉.
La nouvelle levée de fonds commencera demain matin (à 9 heures) et durer une semaine. Vous pouvez déjà accéder à la page à l'adresse Je n'en attends pas trop (l'objectif des 4000 € est indicatif) ; si elle pouvait réunir quelques centaines d'euros, ce serait déjà bien. En espérant que ça puisse m'aider 🙂