This lands super well with me.
I have quite literally internalized the 1,000 voices of stackers in my head asking for things, complaining about things. Then an "inner circle" of well intentioned people second guessing every decision I make before, during, and after I make it.
It's not much of a problem I've had before and I'm having to learn how to ignore it just enough to benefit from it but still be able to hear my own voice.
It's like I'm wading through a decision field and as SN grows the decision field gets denser and denser, introducing more and more drag on shipping.
And what you’ve build here is super impressive and original. Do you also worry about the innovators dilemma sort of scenario? Not to add to your worries! just more wondering.
It's a balancing act between refining existing things and adding new/innovative things to refine. You have to do both. It's a struggle, especially as a solo dev.