Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have been a hot topic of discussion in recent years, with governments around the world exploring the possibility of issuing their own digital versions of traditional fiat currencies. One of the key selling points of CBDCs is that they would allow governments to have more control over the money supply, which could in turn reduce the power of traditional banks. But is this really a good thing? While it's true that banks have often been criticized for their role in the global financial system, they also play an important role in facilitating economic growth and stability. Banks act as intermediaries, connecting borrowers and lenders, and providing a wide range of financial services to individuals and businesses. If the government were to take control of the money supply through the issuance of CBDCs, it's possible that banks would no longer be necessary. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences of this. Banks are vital for economic growth and stability, and without them, the economy could suffer. Additionally, without the oversight of banks, it could be more difficult to prevent financial fraud and ensure that money is being used for legitimate purposes. Moreover, if governments have total control over the money supply, this could lead to inflation, a lack of monetary policy and a lack of innovation, since the government would be the only institution able to create money.
In conclusion, while the idea of government-issued CBDCs may seem appealing on the surface, it's important to consider the potential consequences and weigh them against the benefits. Banks may not be perfect, but they play an important role in the economy that should not be underestimated.
One aspect that is never discussed is the crowding out (and in consequence falling productivity) of the private sector by growing governmental activity due to cheap money. Financing rising public deficits with the digital token printer would kill productivity and end up in buying votes with ongoing stimmies. The end-game is hyperinflation.
It wouldn't kill productivity. It would likely make no difference in overall output. It'll just try to employ more people to achieve the same results, which leaves fewer people left out financially. And the people who are not callously left to die contribute to society and create jobs by increasing demand. We don't need to work each person to death. We do better to team up and spread out the work instead of ignoring the fact that sickness, injuries, and old age exist.
At this point when we have 3 dudes with more money than half of America, we don't need to concentrate wealth further. Our system is sick and out of balance. Imagine 20 years from now where we just keep making things relatively harder and harder for the poor. Eventually it'll just be one dude running the whole world and he'll definitely be the biggest asshole ever. Why is this what people want?
Besides, go look at history (chart below) and you'll know 100% that Republican presidents are mostly responsible for inflation. They just have a better propaganda department and blame Democrats for it.
Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971. Then Jimmy Carter looks bad when the economy suffers because the money rules were violently and suddenly changed. Trump took us off fractional reserve banking in 2020. There's no brakes left. The Republicans voted to remove them.
Over the last year, Biden has managed to take almost $500 billion out of circulation. LOOK AT THE CHART!
Source: zoom out, then zoom into the 1 year chart. It's going down for the first time ever. I think it's an attack on Bitcoin. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL
There was an early Antonopolous or Saifadean video where he said the only real way to attack Bitcoin was to have a good (deflationary) dollar. We've had that over the last year. It explains 100% of the downward movement of all market based measures of wealth.
Undoubtedly mate, effectively without governments having this power (with great power comes great responsibility) world inflation will be a killer for productivity. In the end, everything indicates that people will adopt the path of freedom. #bitcon
No. You don't get it.
Inflation has jack shit to do with productivity.
Productivity is mandated by threat of starvation and poverty.
When everything costs more, those without money have to work MORE.
This means if anything, you have it backwards. This is going to lead to enslavement. Productivity per enslaved person will be maxed out I assure you. Whah-pah!
You really think that inflation does not have an impact on economic productivity? Please... on the macro level it's so obvious that p. suffers in high inflationary countries. As an entrepreneur of small companies in different sectors I can assure You that inflation is an investment killer.
First off you're right to be worried, but for laughably wrong reasons.
Banks no longer necessary. Ha. They will always use their power to preserve themselves. They own the government. Banks will exist forever. Banks going away would be a financial holocaust.
Secondly, you left off the two really bad things you should be worried about.
  1. CBDCs working
  2. CBDCs failing
Working means they're good at robbing you through inflation and all kinds of nickel and dime shit.
Failing is when they work so well that the people benefitting from the inflation (billionaires) make it inflate more and more.
There's countless other ways CBDCs can and will fail. Government corruption is guaranteed. Good luck getting any government to create a system that it can't itself control. CBDCs will always be as draconian as possible. Strict names attached, controls, bans, seizures, thefts, guaranteed inflation, foreign attacks, sanctions, etc.)
Good luck making a system that China isn't going to attack constantly. When they reboot the Die Hard series, they're definitely going to attack the US CBDC building. Or Mission Impossible, or 1000 B movies shot on iphones.
Imagine Grub Hanser walking into a secure building looking like a tourist. Guard: "You can't be here." Grub: (in bad American accent) "Oh shucks. I mussa gotta turned around." *Blows away single solitary guard. *Turns CBDC off and on again and resets everyone's to zero. *(steals all of the money).