I saw a post on Nostr I wanted to share
Sometimes when we develop a new feature, we overcomplicate the method of execution. Sometimes this means too many checks for something that should be simple resulting in slower process execution, sometimes its using an AI when a state machine would have sufficed.
Among shitcoiners, that solution is blockchain blockchain blockchain (you can use a merkle tree without it being "block chain")
I think this happens with BIPs too. We see code and are promised some feature, but I think most people talking about BIPs are under the impression that some BIP is the only way to achieve that feature when it sometimes isn't even the best way. Sometimes, its just the first way people thought up. Sometimes, the better way is much more simple and maybe even boring by comparison.
Yes yes yes. That's why open source is best. More eyes equals more ideas.
Nothing big, but your comment here is stacker note # 123456 šŸ„‚
I had exactly this case - the better way was much more simple: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2022-December/021300.html :)