You are correct. I had to download a copy of that book from a sketchy website to verify it. Would have been ironic if I got my butt hole pushed in by not sand boxing it.

A Florida-based Bitcoin developer called Luke Dashjr had figured out a hack, which made SegWit possible as a compatible (softfork) Bitcoin upgrade. Luke was regarded as one of the most extreme small blockers and was another hate figure in the large block community, alongside Gregory Maxwell. Luke was not at all scared of standing out from the crowd with his non-consensus opinions. To some extent, the committed Catholic and father-of-seven was the Cassandra of the technical community; exceptionally strident. However, Luke clearly had a very strong technical understanding of Bitcoin, and his apparent non-linear thinking, which made him see things differently from others, may have helped him conceive of this hack that the other developers couldn’t quite work out.