On Ln Markets is a regular (weekly-ish) blog post LN Strikes: https://blog.lnmarkets.com
Here's the most recent blog post:
Latest Strikes 19 - Lightning Recap Jan.9th-15th 2023 #123662 https://blog.lnmarkets.com/latest-strikes-19
Kollider also has a weekly round-up Twitter thread. Here's the most recent:
What went down with Lightning network this week! 🧵 #124934 https://twitter.com/kollider_trade/status/1616505192186318878 [Nitter]
There's Lightning Landscape:
Lightning Landscape - Everything lightning network in one place #95109 https://www.lightning-landscape.net/projects Twitter: https://twitter.com/LNLandscape/with_replies
and Lighting Network Stores (which has listings of apps, services, and such as well):