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It is a protocol where all messages are signed. There are relayers that may or may not store that information for you. The thing is that nobody can fake-post you unless they have access to your private key. You don't follow people's username, instead you do their public key. The protocol itself is much more advanced, but that is the foundation. Think of it like a bit torrent of content that you would generate, and people can subscribe to it.
BTC Sessions explains it here
Its basically an instruction book. The instruction book says that nostr apps should allow for posting to multiple websites at the same time (they're called nostr relays). The websites don't post to each other, you just post to multiple websites. So if a website bans you, hopefully your friends are following you on multiple websites and one of those websites hasn't banned you so your friends can still talk to you and see your posts.
Where is the data stored?
On every website you publish to (every relay you're using)
What do websites receive from hosting my data/posts/images etc?
Nothing. Not a single thing.
There are a couple of websites that have you pay to use them, but most websites people use are either websites that are run by their friends, or free well known websites that the whatever nostr based program you're using knows already without you telling it about more websites.
Kind of like how most people play on the Minecraft server that's on, but you can join your friends Minecraft server if you know about it.
You know I think if you just jump into it, it'll make sense. for web browser and nostros for Android have been good to me.
the current trendy twitter alternative, now with lightning support.
as for the hype, btc maxis gonna maxi. and hating on twitter is popular again..again.