Dashlane: A password manager that includes a password generator, security alerts, and built-in VPN service. It also allows you to share passwords with trusted parties and it offers a free version and a paid version with more features.
Keeper: A password manager that includes a password generator, two-factor authentication, and encryption. It also allows you to share passwords with trusted parties and it offers a free version and a paid version with more features.
Bitwarden: An open-source password manager that allows you to store and generate unique, complex passwords for all of your online accounts. It also includes a password generator and two-factor authentication.

Hardware Keys: These are physical devices, such as a USB key or a smart card, that can be used in combination with a password to provide an extra layer of security. They typically use two-factor authentication, which requires both the password and the physical key to access an account. Examples include Yubikey, Google Titan and Feitian.
Biometric authentication: This is a technology that uses your biological traits, such as fingerprints, face recognition, or voice recognition, to identify you. This technology is built into most modern smartphones and computers and can be used as a second factor of authentication.

Use a password manager: A password manager is a tool that securely stores and generates unique, complex passwords for all of your online accounts. This way, you only need to remember one master password.
Use two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a fingerprint or a one-time code sent to your phone, in addition to your password.
Avoid reusing passwords: Do not use the same password for multiple accounts. If one account is compromised, attackers can use the same credentials to gain access to your other accounts.
Regularly change passwords: Regularly change your passwords, especially for important accounts like financial or email.
Be aware of phishing: Be cautious of clicking on links or entering personal information in emails or on websites that you are not familiar with.
Keep your software and devices updated: Keep your software, including your browser and operating system, updated to ensure that you have the latest security patches and features.
Awesome, thank you for the write-up!