Mirroring what @nout is saying, I would try to get the simple and most pressing stuff first, which, in my opinion, is:
  • Transferring sats for referrals (giving an invite to a friend with some of my sats so they can get started)
  • "Tipping" sats to others on the platform which can be done either via direct tipping or via some SN "bot" that tips people in comments, like how Reddit does it
As for the earning sats for referalls/usage, I would urge a bit of caution. If you're incentivizing sign up and referral by giving (some of your) sats, that system is ripe for abuse. My feeling is that people are happy to pay for sats on here themselves, as long as the friction is low, and to give other people sats, either in the form of referrals or tips, so this extra level of incentivization isn't necessary.
As for the other points, I think they're all really great ideas but I agree with @nout that the baseline should be intuitive. Those extra features are essentially for 'power users' who want more control over various aspects of the platform.
Also, a word of warning about implementing features that are really cool but are never used. It's easy to spend engineering effort into beautiful solutions that don't have a problem.
Good advice. I'm a little worried that the people who would come here to game out a few sats out of faucets / rewards / referrals while good for credit card guys might not be the type of people most desired in a forum community.
Rather it seems most here, really want a way to spend more sats to tip the site and contributors who post valued content. I would like to dish out more sats without boosting posts and feeling like i'm manipulating the algorithm.
This is a really good point. Make the game too appealing and we perhaps attract people with low quality contributions. Referrals might just be enough.
Very good advice. I agree with it all!