No its not because 'G' doesn't contribute wealth to society. There are no added goods and services if bureaucracy and social assistance grows. It's clearly a made up number since, I think, 35 years??
Same with inflation fraud to harvest seigniorage gains
If I have a pond with 10 fishes, and 2 fishes die, the ecosystem is worse than it was before. If I buy 2 new ones the ecosystem did not heal itself. I still have 10 fishes. The numbers are true. The underlying ecosystem might be unsustainable or even artificial but the numbers are not. I can criticize the ecosystem, but I can't deny the factual numbers.
Facts are facts. Criticize the cause, not the consequence.
Please look at real income. It's clearly negative. They are operating with nominal made-up numbers. It's fresh money issued via the bond market. We are getting poorer