Thank you for the response.
When you say "for the most part," what do you mean by that? What is the other part?
Well, I try to live as free as possible but I still exist in a statist world, so there is stuff I need to do that I don't agree with just to live and minimize hostile state interactions, like having a driver's license for example. I think it is a bunch of bullshit to have to have one, but I also don't want to go to jail for driving without one. I am an anarchist who is trying to free myself and working towards this goal but I am not free yet, if that makes sense
The choice between the lesser of predations is no choice at all.
An analogy could be: A woman who is told by her rapist to be still or he will kill her after raping her, is not therefore consenting to being raped just because she prefers to live more than resisting.

Recall the original question - "Can a Statist also be a Bitcoin Maxi??"
The answer = NO.
Just like a theist cannot simultaneously be a non-theist.
The intent of this thread is not to cause shitcoiners to battle with Bitcoin maxi's. The intent of the thread is to encourage some meaningful dialogue/debate with self-professing Bitcoin maxi's who also WILLFULLY engage in the propagation of statism.
This is NOT a debate about whether or not Bitcoin is better than shitcoins. This is about whether someone who claims to be aligned with the PRINCIPLES of Bitcoin maximalism, can honestly make such a claim if they are also a supporter of statism, since statism is in conflict with the principles of Bitcoin maximalism.
If someone disagrees with that, let's hear it!
For those who do agree, but you find yourself lining up to vote, or even pushing for state sanctioned Bitcoin adoption (ouch!).... Choose your premise!
This does not mean we ought to reject where oppression is reduced and instead wish for more oppression. Not at all!. But we should not act like damn cheerleaders for those who wish to rule us, when they pretend to be benevolent by reducing their oppression.
The man who is proudly certain of his self-ownership, will respect his fellow man in the same manner that he wishes to be respected (NAP). He will also REFUSE to play the game of would-be rulers, to include all which is tied to any presumed sanction or legitimization of the scheme which seeks to strip him of his individual sovereignty.
I am speaking to the maxi's who do not understand this.
Choose a principled and consistent path toward Liberty. Such is impossible for the statist.