I enjoy community as well. [Preferably] one where people reciprocate respect. Pretty basic.
What kind of respect is not being given to you?
Drama and conflict occur even among those that do respect and love each other. That is not “disrespect”, it’s just an unavoidable part of living among other people that have their own will and desires.
"What kind of respect is not being given to you?"
Compulsory government is all around. Threats of violence, imprisonment, extortion, etc. are too numerous to even waste the time in detailing (which I am sure you know well). Honestly, the question is baffling as the answer is self-evident.
Someone who willfully [initiates] aggression against another are not acting in accordance with so-called unavoidable aspects of life. I reject any assertion that props up, or seeks to legitimize or sanction such an initiation of violence. It is not a mandatory part of human existence to violate ones neighbors.
Yet again... I will emphasize that there is no negation of the world around us. That does not mean that since horrible people exist, that I should embrace being horrible as well because it is some sort of lovely aspect of human existence.
So far - No argument FOR statism has been substantiated. No argument has been given as to why Bitcoin maxi's who support statism, are in any way principally consistent.