German real retail sales in dec crashed YoY by 6.6! For all those that still buy the state propaganda of growth or a soft landing...surprise surprise - this is a full blown econ depression. Welcome to reality and what happens if You cut Yourself literally off the grids without having alternatives for your nuclear power, coal or gas.
Probably in Europe things will be different with regard to inflation dynamics.
Yes. They need to be pumping the shit out of the Euro to gain some time before a full blown sovereign debt crisis brings the whole shithouse down
But Germans in general behave like nothing suspicious is happening? I mean look at total deposits in banks, they are ATH.
Yes. 100% compliant with the commie state (think of where communism comes from). Like infantiles. I was there for 1 week - a lot of problems with cash withdrawles but nobody is even able to think of liquidity issues in the banking system. Here in Málaga this morning I withdrew smaller amounts to go to the anon ATM but they pushing us further and further to their CBDC. BUT: NGMI! Technically and intellectually the Euro-Commies will be fu..ed sooner than later by economic gravity.