Posting only requires the link now. It reduces posting friction by a ton. Thanks!
Excellent. Perhaps consider swapping the order of the fields, with url first?
Also, just posted this link, but it only pulled “The BTC Times”. I had to copy/paste the full title.
Try refreshing the post link form page next time you post and it should work. The title was populated for me when I used this link - but only after I refreshed the page.
I believe the browser is caching the old version so you didn't get the update. This is still a no bueno but a different no bueno - looking into it.
Rather than swapping the fields, I'll make the URL field get focus first rather than title - effect is the same but keeps it consistent with the "Discussion" posts.
Super. Thanks.
Good idea!
I think I know why that doesn't work on their site - a quirk of how they render their page (they change the title after the page is downloaded). I'll see if I can work around it because lots of sites do this.