Hey Everyone,
I wanted to get some feedback and tell you about a concept we are trying this year at TABConf 2023.
We are having anyone and everyone interested in giving a talk, hosting a panel, or conducting a workshop open a GitHub issue on https://github.com/TABConf/2023.tabconf.com/issues.
As we get closer to the conference (a month or two before), we will review all the GitHub issues and add the ones that get selected to the official GitHub Project schedule. https://github.com/orgs/TABConf/projects/1
Some of the thoughts behind the concept:
  • Everyone planning or considering attending the conference can see what topics might be covered.
  • We want more people to submit ideas for talks and workshops they are passionate about.
  • We want to provide more transparency when sourcing and selecting covered topics.
  • We want to keep TABConf a technically-focused conference, and pushing attendees to GitHub may help people learn about the different projects and repos in the space. (sending everyone down the rabbit hole!)
  • We want attendees to have the ability to ask questions and have conversations about the submissions before the conference.
  • we want to make our lives easier when organizing everything.
If you are interested in giving a talk, panel, or workshop, head to the repository and open a GitHub issue. Add as many details as possible; it's a public issue :).
Let me know what you think of the concept; it's the first year we are trying it.
I want to speak again but have no idea what I'll want to talk about then lol
Feels really early to be submitting talks. What's relevant might change drastically in 8 months lol. I can see something like a high level topic of what one might want to speak about, but still, would want to make sure there's still flexibility to change if needed. Understand that may go against the benefits of planning this early, but otherwise locking in a topic right now has resistance in my head. Just food for thought.
That's a great point; maybe we should clarify that if you submit an issue now, you can update it until it gets a "locked" label or something like that. Then the creator can update it as they see fit as the conf gets closer. It is quite early to commit to a specific topic, we haven't even committed to how the conf will run lol. Thanks for the feedback!
TAPConf is good enough last year I actually bought a full-price ticket.
Now, we need more people to submit talks so my tired old suggestions of full-RBF and Ordinalds nonsense can get ignored. :D