This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
It would be cool to track how many comments we see on these discussion threads every day @k00b - I feel like the engagement has been steadily increasing over time :)
That’s a good idea.
It can vary but it does seem like there are more discussions happening generally
Can’t boost or stream on fountain my wallet is locked. Guess it’s a bug.
Also my fully noded wallet won’t connect to my nodl via tor.
Bitcoiner problems today 😫
What is the cowboy hat I have beside my nym? It says "New" but I've been here for a good while😅
welcome to the cowboy club!
lol ty!
Mine says 4 days. 🤪
You must be new here k00b😂 but what is it?
Reviewing the current Erlay pull request in Bitcoin Core.
Anyone figured out any new info re: cowboy hats? I wonder if it has anything to do with wild west mode?
not sure, but glad to see you’re in the cowboy club too!
One can't survive long in the wild west without one, after all ;) My working hypothesis is you keep it by tipping >100sats/day.
Lots of driving so listening to Bitcoin podcasts and buying gas and getting 10% back on that gas in bitcoin!!??
in all seriousness if you are bullish on Bitcoin are you basing it on any data? Or are you just winging it? Bamboozled?
Thats the great thing about Bitcoin, the data is there for all to see on the blockchain. There are many great sites compiling all this data into meaningful, useful charts:
No need to wing it.
I recently had a technical round interview for mobile app development and the interviewer asked me to create a function for the game Connect 4. I implemented a brute force algorithm with an O(n^2) complexity, and the interviewer didn't even ask me about the efficiency of the algorithm 😅. It worked, so that's all that mattered.
Good Saturday gang!!! Coffee is brewed and am ready to dive into the world of crypto news, seems it's steady at 24k still and I wish you made some profit gang, just DCA it and hodl, put it in your wallet and out exchanges and let that investment grow and feel the freedom, I wish you all a phenomenal weekend and a day filled with success, blessings and abundance. Be well my brothers and sisters and stay frosty!!
Bitcoiners are a bunch of hippies Ethereum comunity are a group of warriors invest accordingly
Lmao, if only everyone was as dumb as you are
Humans inevitably converge on the least uncertain money.
Bitcoin is the least uncertain money because it is open, permissionless, decentralized, and immutably scarce.
That thread continues:
Inflation, also known as staking yield, introduces unnecessary debasement of a token.
Like. What’s wrong with hippies man.
Also, invest? In warriors? Eh?
Why are you hanging out on SN then?
No matter what Ethereum may promise, it can't compete with Bitcoin when it comes to features and security. Ethereum's reliance on AWS for hosting its blockchain is a major red flag for many, as it indicates a high level of centralization. Furthermore, Ethereum's high gas fees mean that transactions are often more expensive than those made with Bitcoin. When it comes to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is still the gold standard.
No matter what Ethereum may promise, it can't compete with Bitcoin when it comes to features and security.
I think its the other way around. Give it a few more halvings and double spending and censoring BTC will become a feature and not a bug due to hashrate falling off a cliff.
Furthermore, Ethereum's high gas fees mean that transactions are often more expensive than those made with Bitcoin.
Bitcoin fees need to become much higher in order to justify the current market cap but you argue that if fees rise on one chain users move to another so according to your argument if i understand it correctly, bitcoin fees will never rise enough to pay for security because users will just move to the cheapest and fastest option
When it comes to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is still the gold standard.
It has first mover advantage and some decent maintainers througout the years, it can probably run for alot of years without intervention now, but censoring it and double spending will mos likely become cheaper and cheaper as time goes on. Its not bullish imo.
I completely disagree with the points you mentioned.
I used to consider myself a part of the Ethereum community as a developer around 2yrs ago, as evidenced of my work on projects such as writing smart contracts in Solidity and developing dApps, which you can see on my GitHub at Even my articles written on DApps development which ethereum org display on their official website .
However, after conducting more research and examining Ethereum's history, I've come to see it as a centralized project with a focus on making money through marketing tactics, rather than a decentralized network of warriors as it's often portrayed. This view was solidified by events such as the DAO attack and the subsequent hard fork that split Ethereum into ETH and ETC, as well as the use of Infura, which is essentially just AWS nodes in disguise.
As a developer, not an investor, these factors have led me to question the true nature of Ethereum. You can hear more of my thoughts on the topic in my interview, available here:
. That's all I wanted to say. Peace.
Just shipped some fixes that should speed up the site some by making fewer round trips to the DB on a typical page load.
It can be optimized further. From a strict performance perspective, ideally we hit the DB once with a primary key lookup. We currently hit it 10s of times with some complicated queries.
While it's important to maintain normal forms of the underlying data (for safety/sanity), we can denormalized a lot of stuff in triggers over time ... code is getting to the point where I should probably spend a week refactoring though.
Trying to get my lighting node well-connected.
Doing 1-5m sats bidirectional channels if anyone is up for it.
Trying to build a bridge beetween RSS feeds and Nostr with Rust. The experimentation is quite interesting but as frustrating too as i'm stuck with some ideas due to lack of maturity on some helpers in rust ecosystem =(
Spent the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how to install a stubborn software package on ubuntu. It's very satisfying to me when it finally works after searching many forums for advice. Now if I could only figure out how to make that little checkmark symbol.
Yeah this is why I stopped running Ubuntu, can be such a headache. It's great now that Windows has WSL!